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A member registered May 03, 2020

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Love to see some one playing the Delve first in video

This is something that im interested to :D

And this is how it ended.

(1 edit)

I played to the Founding Phase and im having fun. Dont realy know if im making all the steps right and i realy wanted some youtube gameplay to see how it works.
Leaving my map.

ps: i have 2 factions/groups but i only have one District drawed... is this right? Well the one group that had no District are a group called "Free", they are homeless people if it is wrong the way i played maybe is just half wrong.
pss: typo on page 12 in the Example of Play it says in Discussion Phase that the Village was picked from the table and is number as a 2 but Village is nr 1. Another on pag 23 that have Events: Warfare D666 (111-166) instead of D666 (111-666)